On long flights with strong thermals, a balanced and trustworthy wing is key. EXOS 2 delivers performance, speed, safety, and just the right amount of feedback from the surrounding air mass. Its superb and intuitive handling provides crisp reactions to any input, keeping the pilot´s mind free for tactical decisions.
Despite its 6.4 aspect ratio, the launch characteristics of EXOS 2 are easy for a C-class wing. Improved pitch-dampening not only improves take-off but also adds peace of mind in bumpy thermals or on long accelerated valley-crossings, where the wing´s speed potential shines. A new combined B/C-steering system helps to iron out canopy movements in turbulent air at full throttle with minimal effect on performance.
EXOS 2 is assembled with light, but durable materials utilizing all of our experience (30+ years) in the design and production of light wings. 3.45 kg in size M makes EXOS 2suitable for even hike & fly or volbiv flights.
EXOS 2 is a performance XC glider from our Sport-Line series with a perfect balance of performance, safety and pure fun. Its target group are experienced C-class pilots but also skilled pilots wishing to make the transition from B-class, as EXOS 2 is intuitive to understand and control.